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Relax, you're in the right place.

How it Works

We know what you're thinking. "It's so hard to find a Christian therapist in my area!"  You are human. dealing with emotional stress from school, work, your family and social life. You are involved in church and could be navigating difficult emotions from past 'Church hurt'. When the anxiety, and sadness creeps in, you have trouble managing your emotions. You pray and lean on the word of God, but you are looking to tap into the fullness of God’s love through the gift of therapy. You may find yourself thinking:  "What is my purpose?" "Am I truly living in the fullness of God?" "Am I on the right path?" "Will I ever be delivered from this deep sadness and worry?" The truth is God gave you this life to fulfill purpose and to live it fruitfully and abundantly. You deserve to rest in God's perfect peace.

If you don't take action, your mind can't get better and you further limit yourself from living a quality life in Christ. Strongholds can't be released until you have to courage to break them. You are the only thing standing in the way of truly living a life of peace, happiness, and purpose. As Christians, we know how hard it is to reach out and seek therapy. We are ready to partner with you to make the next steps as comfortable as possible for you.

New at Agape Love.

For you, our loyal clients, we're offering all our new, Agape Wellness Plans featuring service and product bundles intentionally designed to bring you more than just therapy.

How It Works

Resting After Workout

Schedule a consultation and speak to a member on our team.


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Start working with a Spirit-filled member of our staff on your journey to abundant life.

Relax, you're in the right place.

Relax, you're in the right place.

"I see this as a thorough option for us young adults that are starting out in identifying and managing our stress and anxiety. It pushed me to learn how to truly be present and challenge my thoughts in a healthy non-judgmental manner."

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