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What To Expect At Agape

Our goal here at Agape is to guide you from a space of feeling lost and confused about your next step, to confidently taking the leap, healthier both spiritually and mentally. 


We use our APA standard method to help you achieve a healthier life by using evidence-based practices known to work in the field of counseling and psychology. 

Schedule a 30-minute consultation to learn more about how we can support you here at Agape.  

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 Awareness; we will assist you within the first 1-2 sessions to gain awareness about your current mental state and develop clear goals about where you want to be. Here we will get a good sense of what your goals are for therapy. 


Process; at this step, we will help you dig deeper into some of the topics discussed in your early sessions. We will focus on feelings, mindsets and beliefs you may be holding that are taking you further away from your goals. We will also engage you in some skill building to help you grow the tools you need to better manage your mental health. 


Application/Accountability; at this stage, we will teach you how to apply the skills you learned in real time, and in real life where it counts! We will assist in keeping yourself accountable with the goals you set for your health and wellness. This is to ensure that you have the support support you need to do the things that you say you want to do! 

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